Concert church organ, © VZN GmbH

Tour in the concert church Neubrandenburg

Tour in the concert church Neubrandenburg

  • 3.00€

Sightseeing tour - Discovery tour concert church

A discovery tour through the Concert Church Neubrandenburg with the exhibition "Ways to the Brick Gothic" in the tower area, the ascent over the belfry to the balustrade with a panoramic view of the Four Gates City is possible.

Opening hours on non-rehearsal and non-event days:
Monday to Sunday, including holidays
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., last admission at 4:30 p.m.

Please note: On 23.03.2023 and on 17.04.2023, Das Kleine Orgelkonzert will take place at 12:00 each day, which is why a tour is only possible from 13:00.

Subject to changes and additions,
Inquiries at the Tourist Info: 0395 5595127



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