IMG_4043, © VZN GmbH N.Geffe

Green Market Neubrandenburg

Green Market Neubrandenburg

Among other things you can expect

  • baked goods
  • Meat and sausage products
  • Fish fresh from the smoke
  • Pottery
  • Young plants (vegetable and ornamental plants)
  • Woody plants and shrubs
  • Regional fruit and vegetables
  • Natural decorations/dry arrangements
  • Knitwear from our own hand
  • Honey and honey products
  • delicious stews
  • jams/liqueurs
  • Sheep's cheese/lamb products
  • Bread, fresh from the stone oven

All markets take place on the market square or in Treptower Straße in Neubrandenburg from 9:00-14:00.

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