2023-wild-kitchen-3, © Martin Hagemann

"Wild cuisine"
outdoor cooking on an open fire

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"Wild cuisine" - outdoor cooking on an open fire

  • 89.00€
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Cooking over an open fire has been a fascinating affair for thousands of years. Especially today, many people associate the smell of smoke and the crackling heat of the embers with deep-rooted longings. It is not only Western fans who find the food prepared in this way particularly tasty: vegetables from the embers, fish nailed to the board and smoked warm, meat dishes from the rustic Dutch Oven that once hung on the settlers' covered wagons in North America. But also sweets can be prepared at the open fire...

Anyone can light a campfire , but preparing a multi-course meal for many people is a completely different matter. You will learn different methods of preparation with and without pot, grill and pan - some can also be prepared directly on the embers. You will have the opportunity to try everything yourself, so that later, when you have guests, it will work out. The following dishes should be created together (small variations possible):

  • Various vegetables (peppers, eggplant, leeks, garlic, mushrooms) and fish (trout) directly on the embers.
  • Flame salmon (salmon on the board)
  • Meat dish (game goulash or layered meat) in the Dutch Oven
  • Egg pancakes in the lid of the Dutch Oven with caramel topping
  • Baked apples or baked goods in the Dutch Oven
  • Coffee from the percolator

Before we start cooking, we search for ingredients and look for wild herbs or berries and mushrooms (depending on the season) to give our dishes that special touch. A small wild herb hike with the farm goats (!) led by Jeanette Nadebor from Kräuterhof Carlsthal in advance to warm up and get to know!

Please bring the following utensils:

  • Campfire clothes and sturdy shoes
  • Dinner plates (preferably deep and shallow) and dessert bowls
  • Cutlery
  • Coffee mug/teacup & drinking glass

Dates: 4/30/14/5/3/10/15/2023 + by appointment.
Start: 12:00 o'clock (end around 18:00 o'clock)
Cost: 69 € + 20 € food flat rate per person, 39 € + 10 € food flat rate for children (7-18 yrs) (minimum number of participants 6 persons, maximum 12 persons) incl. water/juice, excl. alcoholic beverages.
Registration: Tel. 0152 57 55 46 00 or by e-mail or online booking (dates for individual groups by arrangement)
Direction: Martin Hagemann, certified nature and landscape guide

NDR film clip about cooking on the open fire on the Recknitzberg mountain

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