kräuterwanderung-mit-ziegen, © Martin Hagemann

On herb tour with goats

On herb tour with goats

  • 15.00€

Thousands of years ago, wild herbs were still respected ingredients, but now the trust in nature has been somewhat lost. Yet even today, every dish can be enhanced in taste with wild growing herbs. Jeanette Nadebor invites every Friday to a guided wild herb hike in the beautiful surroundings of her herb farm in the Trebel Valley. You will learn interesting and useful things about the use of herbs for culinary delights, delicious teas but also for your health. You will learn exciting connections between herbs and your well-being, your instincts will be reawakened for plant species to which you are particularly responsive, and you will also be able to easily remember their names. An excursion into the realm of herbs with addictive potential!

With it the goats of the herb yard, which run freely with. They also know what tastes good, so be careful - they quickly eat away the most delicious herbs!

Duration approx. 1.5 hours. 15 € per person. Registrations please by telephone under 0170 20 22 868.

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