evening-at-the-recknitz, © Angelika Reifarth

Evening atmosphere on the Recknitz
in the territory of beaver, eagle & Co. (guided canoe tour)

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Evening atmosphere on the Recknitz - in the territory of beaver, eagle & Co. (guided canoe tour)

  • 30.00€
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A river tour by canoe at dusk has its own special magic. The day is slowly fading, the light has a special intensity, the sounds become less and there is still a lot to discover: black woodpecker, kingfisher, gray or silver heron, reed bunting, warbler, oriole and nightingale or its northern German relative, the thrush, are at home here on the Recknitz. The majestic white-tailed eagle with its 2.40 m wingspan is also at home here and - even more exciting - our smallest and rarest representative of the eagle family: the lesser spotted eagle, of which only about 100 breeding pairs still live in Germany, 80% of them in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

For more than 20 years, the beaver has also been reintroduced to the Recknitz. From the Peene, where the last Elbe beavers still native to Germany were released in the 1970s to build up a reserve population, it has worked its way down the Trebel to the Recknitz. The word "work" is to be taken literally, as the beaver is known as a master builder who cuts down trees and builds impressive dams. Its traces are - if you look closely - visible everywhere along the banks of the Recknitz. Its habitat and the eating and gnawing habits of the largest European rodent can be beautifully observed. With a bit of luck, we might even cross its evening path. Exciting stories about Master Bockert and the other animal species that are at home here in the Recknitz Valley are guaranteed to stay in your ears.

Tour start: Every Tuesday and Friday from the Wasserwanderrastplatz Marlow (by arrangement also possible on other days)
Start: May: 18:00, from mid-May: 18:30, June/July: 19:00, from August:18:30, from mid-August: 18:00, from September: 17:30, from mid-September: 17:30
Price: 26 € per person, 13 € for children from 7 to 18 years (minimum number of participants 6 persons, max. 12 persons)
Tour guide: Martin Hagemann, certified nature and landscape guide
Please register at least one day in advance! Tel. 0152 57 55 46 00 or 0174 67 89 343 or online booking

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